Known for their discipline and adherence to cultural norms, Japanese brides are some of the most sought-after wives in the world. Getting married to a woman from Japan is a unique experience that offers a sense of tradition and identity in marriage. Traditions like arranged marriages, marriage ceremonies, and a deep sense of community are all part of the package with a Japanese bride.
The process of becoming a Japanese wife begins long before the traditional ‘yeh betrothal.’ It includes establishing a strong match between the two families, giving the young man’s parents a chance to get to know their daughter-in-law. Once the marriage is agreed upon, the two families usually exchange gifts, exchange traditional betrothal gifts and make arrangements for the wedding.
The traditional Japanese wedding ceremony is a modest yet beautiful affair. It usually takes place in a shrine or temple, with the bride wearing a white kimono, a traditional robe. Couples exchange marriage vows, recite ancient traditional rites and then proceed to the reception. There, the newlyweds are blessed with the ceremonial drink, sake, that symbolizes good luck and good fortune.
A traditional Japanese bride also has a cherished role in the family. As a wife and a mother, she is expected to be the custodian and protector of her husband’s family, providing stability and comfort through difficult times. In recent years, more and more Japanese women are choosing to become educated and take on full-time jobs outside of the home, increasing the nation’s education levels and professional opportunities.
The modern Japanese bride also has the opportunity to look for a partner outside of her culture – something that was once frowned upon. Thanks to the increasing number of international matchmaking agencies, more and more people are willing to accept this concept. As more and more Japanese brides marry men from different cultures, the husband’s tradition and values become more connected to the woman’s.

About Embracing Tradition: The Journey of Japanese Virgin Brides
The Japanese tradition of virginity bride is still alive today and being embraced and celebrated with gusto. It is the custom for brides to make a vow of virginity, never disclose their identity or speak to anyone about their relationship, and make a commitment to their future husband without being seen.
In this ancient custom, brides would be dressed in a kimono and veil and transported to the wedding ceremony in a palanquin or o-hōku. It was an intricate and detailed process that had to occur in a certain order for the bride’s purity to be acknowledged.
The modern day Japanese Virgin Bride still upholds these customs, albeit with a more modern twist. Popular in cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, the Virgin Bride Movement is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. For today’s brides, the tradition includes wearing traditional bridal fashion, dressing in white, and veiling the face before the marriage ceremony.
Many Japanese brides, embracing this tradition is a statement of their commitment to their future husband and is a way of highlighting the importance of preserving their culture. This ancient rite of passage is a time for celebration and a chance to publicly witness the commitment the couple are making to each other.
Modern Virgin Brides also have the option of inviting family and friends to support them and participate in the celebration as an audience or as Ushers. This adds an additional layer of sentimentality, as it creates an atmosphere of celebration of the cultural heritage.

Staying True to the Virgin Bride Tradition
No matter which path the bride chooses, the traditional customs surrounding the Japanese Virgin Bride remain the same. The bride must:
- Wear a white kimono or dress.
- Be accompanied by two Ushers.
- Be accompanied by a Witness.
- Read the marriage vows in a calming and dignified manner.
- Turn to face her future husband.
- Be unopposed to her groom.
The celebration of the tradition in its entirety is an important part of acknowledging and respecting the culture and has been passed down from generation to generation, bringing with it a sense of pride. Virgin brides are an integral part of Japanese culture and its heart-warming rituals and customs.
The Virgin Bride Movement is a beautiful way for brides to express themselves and proudly showcase their commitment to the culture that they love. It is the perfect way to honour the ancient traditions while embracing the modern ways of expressing them. The journey for Japanese Virgin Brides is much more than a wedding day – it is a celebration of cultural heritage and a way of life.
Meeting Your Japanese Bride in the USA
This is a very exciting moment, filled with longing and anticipation. There are some things to consider before you take this step, so here are some tips to help make your meeting memorable and successful.

Allow Time To Adjust
Time difference can be an issue. Depending on the region she is coming from in Japan, your fiancée may need some time to adjust and become accustomed to the US environment and lifestyle. It is important to give your soon-to-be bride time and space to get comfortable with her surroundings before you take your relationship further.
Ensure She Is Prepared
Make sure your bride is properly prepared for her visit. She needs to know as much as possible about the US rules and regulations, such as the laws regarding residency and work. Ensure she has a valid passport and visa and let her know the requirements for both. It is also a great idea to arrange a health examination so that she can be sure her body is ready for the transition.
Help Her Become Accustomed
Help your soon-to-be bride become accustomed to the US culture and lifestyle. She will need help understanding local customs, language, and how to find her way around. Take the time to give her a tour of the area and introduce her to local restaurants, attractions, and other places of interest. Point out places she should avoid for her own safety and be sure to answer any questions she may have.
Show You Love and Support
Most importantly, show your Japanese bride that you care and are there to support her. Always be patient with her, as you would if you were in the same place. Take the time to listen to her experiences and don’t forget to let her share her feelings. Be available to provide support, advice, and reassurance to help her feel more comfortable in her new surroundings.
Meeting your Japanese bride in the USA is a major step for both of you. It is a way to start the next chapter of your journey together, and it should be an exciting and fulfilling experience. By using these tips, you can make sure it is a positive and memorable experience for both of you.